The families are here!!
First KG's mom and Ty's mom both came into town! KG's mom, Jarka, was really nice. She only spoke Czech so we didn't know what she was saying but she was always smiling, so she has to be nice. She stayed with us for 11 days. Her and KG have the same mannerisms, they walk the same and they laugh the same. Ty's moms name is Mrs. Brenda. She came all the way from Hawaii and she has been staying with us for three weeks. Mrs. Brenda and Ty are not that much a like. Mrs. Brenda talks really proper and half the time people don't know what Ty is saying. I love having Mrs. Brenda here she reminds me of my mom. It makes me really miss my mommy!! In Hawaii they call people Aunt or Uncle if you are older, even if you aren't related. When Ty's mom go here I called her Mrs. Brenda and they thought that was the best thing ever. I didn't think anything of it, I guess it's a southern thing.
First KG's mom and Ty's mom both came into town! KG's mom, Jarka, was really nice. She only spoke Czech so we didn't know what she was saying but she was always smiling, so she has to be nice. She stayed with us for 11 days. Her and KG have the same mannerisms, they walk the same and they laugh the same. Ty's moms name is Mrs. Brenda. She came all the way from Hawaii and she has been staying with us for three weeks. Mrs. Brenda and Ty are not that much a like. Mrs. Brenda talks really proper and half the time people don't know what Ty is saying. I love having Mrs. Brenda here she reminds me of my mom. It makes me really miss my mommy!! In Hawaii they call people Aunt or Uncle if you are older, even if you aren't related. When Ty's mom go here I called her Mrs. Brenda and they thought that was the best thing ever. I didn't think anything of it, I guess it's a southern thing.
One night after we ate dinner at the Buscharini we went outside and Mrs. Brenda taught me and Eva how to hula. It was really hard because you have to be graceful, something that I am not! You have to roll your hands like waves while you take two steps to the side and move your hips with the step. Then you go the other way. You can even go to hula school in Hawaii.
Coach Tony was the next. He is the head coach at TSU and my boss. Him and Monica flew into Rome for a few days and then they came to Forli on Saturday to hang out and watch the game. They had a little mishap on the train on their trip from Rome to here and ended up in Milan! It was a four hour detour but they made it! Of course Coach Tony acted a fool and yelled VERY loud the whole game!! I heard a few 8 is greats chants during the course of the game. After they game we went to eat and then out to X-Ray. At X-Ray he continued to act crazy and entertain everybody! It was so great to have them there. They headed to Venice the next day. On Monday me, Ty and Mrs. Brenda met them in Venice and hung out for the day.
Trip to Venice
Now my sister, Krystal, and our friend Tiffany are here. The day they arrived me and Ornella went to the airport in Bologna to pick them up. We left early to make sure we didn't get caught in traffic. We got there at 10:30 and their flight was supposed to get in at 11:15am. Turns out they missed their flight in Paris and they weren't getting in until 2:30pm. We had no way of knowing that so we were at the airport for 5 hours waiting! They finally got here and Krystal's bag got lost!
The next day was much better, we took a trip to Venice. And on Friday we took a trip to Florence. When we went to Florence we were the ultimate tourist and got on one of those double decker tour buses. We even rode on the top! When we were riding around Tiffany thought it would be a good idea to stand up and take pictures. Two different times Tiffany got hit in the head by a tree. One time she had twigs in her hair. It was sooo funny! Tiffany has been our entertainment for the trip. When we were at dinner she asked Ty who the president of Hawaii was. Ty was like Barack Obama. We had to remind Tiff that Hawaii was in the United States. The same country she lives in!
Ty's box
Ty has been waiting for a month and a half for a box her sister and law sent her for her birthday. It was sent on May 8th and it just got here on the June 16th! Ty got sour candies in her box that I love so she gave them to me. At first I thought what a nice friend. Then I looked at the ingredients and I think Ty might be trying to kill me. Ingredients: sugar, wheat flour, clucose, syrup, water, acidulants, acidity regulator, emulsifier preservatives, flavors, artificial color. I paid attention in nutrition class and my teacher said the first ingredient listed is the most.
Sunrise and Sunset
We went to the beach today, we were there for a while and I noticed that the sun wasn't going down. I felt like I was in Alaska. I was really curious about this so I asked one of my teammates what the deal was with the sun. She was saying in June and July the days in Italy are really long. So I looked up the time of sunrise and sunset on Turns out the sun rises at 5:29am and sets at 9:02pm. I like that the sun stays out long but I don't like that it comes up so early! I've been having to wear one of those sleep mask to bed! I also noticed that the temperature is 77 degrees here and it feels like 76. In Houston the temperature 92 and it feels like 99! The sun rises at 6:20am and sets at 8:23pm. What I'm thinking is that everybody in Houston should migrate to Italy to escape that heat!!
Face wash
I ran out of face wash so I figure I would go to Conad and get some. Then I remembered I don't read Italian. I couldn't tell what was face wash or lotion, it was a lot of confusion so I didn't get anything. Ty had also been looking for face wash so she walked down to another store by the square and she got some of those wipes for you face. She thought it had to be the right stuff because it was on a display with Penelope Cruz washing her face. Well when she tried to use it that night, they didn't lather. That wasn't going to work. I took a trip to the same store the next day, I saw the display and picked a bottle of what I thought was face wash. I asked the lady at the desk but she didn't speak English. I pointed to my face and she said si. I though finally I found some. When I got home Leslie read the bottle for me. Turns out I bought face lotion to help reduce wrinkles!
Ty has been waiting for a month and a half for a box her sister and law sent her for her birthday. It was sent on May 8th and it just got here on the June 16th! Ty got sour candies in her box that I love so she gave them to me. At first I thought what a nice friend. Then I looked at the ingredients and I think Ty might be trying to kill me. Ingredients: sugar, wheat flour, clucose, syrup, water, acidulants, acidity regulator, emulsifier preservatives, flavors, artificial color. I paid attention in nutrition class and my teacher said the first ingredient listed is the most.
Sunrise and Sunset
We went to the beach today, we were there for a while and I noticed that the sun wasn't going down. I felt like I was in Alaska. I was really curious about this so I asked one of my teammates what the deal was with the sun. She was saying in June and July the days in Italy are really long. So I looked up the time of sunrise and sunset on Turns out the sun rises at 5:29am and sets at 9:02pm. I like that the sun stays out long but I don't like that it comes up so early! I've been having to wear one of those sleep mask to bed! I also noticed that the temperature is 77 degrees here and it feels like 76. In Houston the temperature 92 and it feels like 99! The sun rises at 6:20am and sets at 8:23pm. What I'm thinking is that everybody in Houston should migrate to Italy to escape that heat!!
Face wash
I ran out of face wash so I figure I would go to Conad and get some. Then I remembered I don't read Italian. I couldn't tell what was face wash or lotion, it was a lot of confusion so I didn't get anything. Ty had also been looking for face wash so she walked down to another store by the square and she got some of those wipes for you face. She thought it had to be the right stuff because it was on a display with Penelope Cruz washing her face. Well when she tried to use it that night, they didn't lather. That wasn't going to work. I took a trip to the same store the next day, I saw the display and picked a bottle of what I thought was face wash. I asked the lady at the desk but she didn't speak English. I pointed to my face and she said si. I though finally I found some. When I got home Leslie read the bottle for me. Turns out I bought face lotion to help reduce wrinkles!
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