When I was 17 I got my driver's license. When I got home with my new license the only person home was my dad and his truck was a stick shift. I convinced him to teach me how to drive it because I just wanted to drive! So we jumped in his truck and went riding around the neighborhood. Lets just say it was not a good outing he isn't the most patient teacher. I had a hard time getting used to the clutch and stopping. Several times I heard, "Stop, stop, are you stupid girl!" That was the last time I attempted to learn how to drive a stick shift. Now that I'm older, much wiser and in Italy I thought I'd give it another shot. So me and KG went out and found a parking lot. First we had to get past the language barrier and I had to tell her the name for everything in the car in English. For example, clutch, break and gas. Once we got that taken care of we found a parking lot. I was doing pretty good until the car started over heating!!! We had to pop the hood and let it cool off before we drove home. It was a good first outing, until the over heating part, and KG is a good teacher.
Trash talk
At practice on Thursday we played a three inning game and it was infield against outfield/pitchers. The infield was all hyped up because they thought they were going to dominate us. After the first inning the trash talking started. One of the infielders, Sara, came running toward us in her most intimidating voice and yelled out we're gonna lose!! We were like ok... Yeah you are! She had the most confused look on her face and she realized what she said. She tried to change it and say you're gonna lose but we were already laughing to hard by then. We told her that's what she gets for trying to talk trash in English.
Italian Crank That Soldier Boy... Good times!!
Trash talk
At practice on Thursday we played a three inning game and it was infield against outfield/pitchers. The infield was all hyped up because they thought they were going to dominate us. After the first inning the trash talking started. One of the infielders, Sara, came running toward us in her most intimidating voice and yelled out we're gonna lose!! We were like ok... Yeah you are! She had the most confused look on her face and she realized what she said. She tried to change it and say you're gonna lose but we were already laughing to hard by then. We told her that's what she gets for trying to talk trash in English.
Italian Crank That Soldier Boy... Good times!!
New Episode of What's that Hawaiian Saying!
Last week was our first epiosde of what's that Hawaiian saying. The answer to last weeks game was B! Ok if you didn't get it right last episode here is another chance:
Softball Love Connection
I'm still on the search for an Italian husband so I can get on the Italian national team. Here is Prospect #2!
Name: David
Age: 22
Occupation: Bar tender
Perks to being his wife: I could probably get all the free drinks I want!
Softball Love Connection
I'm still on the search for an Italian husband so I can get on the Italian national team. Here is Prospect #2!

Name: David
Age: 22
Occupation: Bar tender
Perks to being his wife: I could probably get all the free drinks I want!
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