I just want everybody to know that Olive Garden is a lie!!!! Everything that I knew about Italy before I came here was a lie, especially the food!! We had a team lunch Saturday before the game and I sat with Eva, Irene, Ellie and Ivano. They informed me that there is no such thing as fettuccine alfredo. I told them about the tour of Italy at Olive Garden and they thought it was funny. Than I told them about how you can get ravioli in a can. Irene and Ellie gave me a look like I just killed somebody. Than they told me how their grandma makes it from scratch and I need to have it and that I should never entertain ravioli in a can again.
Gilmore Girls!!!
Everybody that knows me knows I LOVE Gilmore Girls! We found it on our Sky TV. Its called Una mamma per amica (That's what it said on the tv guide). I'm so excited about this new development. I get made fun of because I like it (Jami Lobpries) but I'll proclaim my love!
Remember when I was telling yall about the grappa we had at the little Easter dinner and Michi and Stefi's house. It's whats left over after the wine is made and it's supposed to be good for digestion. Here is the video of us drinking the grappa. Watch Ty afterward she looks depressed!
A moment
The other day after practice I was sitting in the dugout by myself and I was in the zone. Ty walked by and she was like Sho snap out of it. She asked me if I was having a moment. I realized that she caught me mid-moment. A moment is when you realize that you are in Italy and you think to yourself what am I doing here so far far away from home. I'm in this completely different country, I don't know the language, the food, the people, nothing here is familiar to me at all! Me and Ty find ourselves snapping each other out of the moments every once in a while. But we talked about it and we think its ok that we have these moments. Ty joined me and the dugout and we started chatting about life and she said to me, "Sho, you know what I really want to do." I said, "What Ty," She said, "Be a wedding planner." (I thought it was important for me to put this convo in quotes so yall know I'm not making it up!) I said "What! I love planning weddings too." We both discovered we have a secret love for bridezilla! We both decided that we have to be soul mates!
What's that Hawaiian saying!?
Me and Ty were really bored on day so we came up with a game show. Its called What's that Hawaiian saying? Apparently in Hawaii they speak a slang called pigeon. Sometimes Ty will start speaking her Pigeon and I have to tell her to used the other version of English she knows. There are even books you can buy on how to speak it and translations. You can even get a Bible in Pigeon its called "Da Jesus Book." (I being so serious!) To play the game you watch the video and try to figure out what Ty is saying.
This is what Ty says in Pigeon: "Ho bah Sho, u seen da kine's hit!?! Was mean eh!?! Ho, mean da dope."
A. Hey there Sho, did you see that kid get hit. That was so mean.
B. Hey Sho did you see that person's hit!?! That was a nice hit!
C. Oh man Sho, you see that dope deal go down. They almost got caught.
Softball Love Conneciton
We were sitting around talking before practice. Some of the girls on the team play on the Italian National team and they were talking about some of the cool gear they got. I told them I wanted to be on the team so I could get some good stuff. They informed me if I married an Italian I could have duel citizenship and play on the national team. I thought that was a great idea so we are on a hunt to find me an Italian husband! I decided that I would find 3 candidates and let the people of the blog vote. I'll give one prospect per blog!
Prospect #1

Name: Ivano
Occupation: Athletic trainer
Perks to being his wife: He gives really good massages!
Hello hello,
ReplyDeleteIt took me a minute (actually longer than that)but I figured out how to leave you a comment. Let me start by saying I'm so proud of you for stepping out and moving forward. When I read about your "moments" it reminded me of the Word that says "now unto him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask, think, or even imagine, according to his power which is at work within us." May the Lord continue to give you "moments" to reflect on his glory!! By the way, Olive Garden may be a farce, but Maggiano's Little Italy is the real deal; It's alot like the dinner you had with the family. I will email you later, until then take care. We love you!!
The Crew
Hey Coach Sho,
ReplyDeleteIt's Delphia and Olive Garden is all I have got soooo, when you get home you can make me the real deal. It is great to see what you are doing and I really miss our lessons but I am very proud to tell everybody you are my hitting coach. Keep up the great job hope to see you this summer. My mom and I say prospect #1 is not bad looking at all. Love and miss you!!!!