Hey Everybody,
I decided to start a blog so i can keep everybody updated on my new life in Italy!
I made it, finally! It was a long day of traveling. As soon as i got here i fell in love! The owner and coach are really cool, they really take care of their players here. We got something to eat on the way to the apartment. When we got here he showed me around helped me get settled in and made sure I had everything I needed. The apartment is all set up. The bed is made, there were towels here. Pretty much all i needed to bring with me was my body and some clothes.
Let me tell you ab

out my day of traveling. When i got to the airport yesterday in Houston everything was pretty much smooth sailing. I didn't get charged for my bag being a little overweight. I was excited about that. When we first boarded the plane it was sooo hot!! Apparently the motor that runs the air conditioner was broken! We sat in the heat for 30 mins before they replaced the motor and we could get going! I had sweat running down my back. I sat next to an interesting character. His name was Zach from New Orleans. He was a cool guy and crazy. He asked me a million and one questions than let me know he wasn't hitting on me, he has a fiance. He passed out before the flight took off. Someone tried to wake him up because he dropped his phone but we couldn't get him up!! He snapped out of it after a while and we talked some more. He drank the whole flight!! My flight to London was 8 hours long. I like the international flights. You can have all the free alcohol (I chose not to have any :)) you want and you can watch almost any movie or tv show. I watched Rachel is getting married (its not a chick flick like you think) than I watched P.S. I love you (very much a chick flick). After that i tried to go to sleep but it wasn't happening. I even put on the complementary mask they give us. It might have been a little more comfy if my stupid seat wasn't broken. It wouldn't recline!! Since i couldn't sleep i watched an episode of everybody hates chris, king of queens and friends. By that time, it was time to land. When i got to London I got my stuff and thankfully i found one of the those carts because there is no way i could have carried my stuff to where i had to go. I found the bus station but my ticket was for 8:20 and it was now 9:10am so gate on my ticket meant nothing. I asked around and finally found where i needed to go. When i handed the guy the ticket he told me it wasn't valid anymore and that i need to buy another ticket! (i had no money at this point) Lucky for me another lady looked at it and she was like no the ticket is valid for the day. Phew! I was bout to have an issue. And i had no way of reaching the owner of the team.
I got on the bus and i still hadn't slept at this point. I think it was 4am Houston time. I got to the other London airport checked in and sat there for about 2 hrs until the gate that i needed came up on the monitor. When i landed in Italy the coach and the owner picked me up. They are very nice and seem like they are going to take care of us. My roommate is a Hawaiian girl. She is cool. She is so homesick. She told them she wanted to go home already. I told her to hang in there. She was happy i was here and spoke English! Our other two roommates are from Argentina and The Czech Republic. They call our house the melting pot! Everybody seems pretty cool. I passed out after I took a shower! Oh and everything that comes on the tv is in Italian. MTV is really weird!

This is our car. Its called a rover and it is really small like all of the cars Italy. The cars here have to be small because they still use the same roads they did a 100 years ago and they are all

Me and the car!

On Thursday I had my first practice with the team. Before every practice we do conditioning and a circuit. Our conditioning is distance running. ughh! I've been avoiding running long distance my whole life! The softball part of practice was good. We had to have one of the girls translate everything the coach said. After practice I had my first Italian pizza and it was amazing. We found out that when you order pepperoni pizza in Italy they will bring you a pizza with peppers! If you want pepperoni the meat you have to order salomy. It was pretty funny all of the girls laughed at me and my roommate Tyleen from Hawaii.
Today it snowed!! Tyleen has never been in anything but perfect weather in Hawaii so she was shocked to see the

snow! We stood on our balcony and took pics.
That was my first few days in Italy. Eventful but good!
Keep up the blogging!! Especially posting pictures ... I will be a faithful reader :). I'm so glad you like it!! Don't forget about us back in H-Town though
ReplyDeleteHey girl!! Proud of ya! Be good over there in Europe.
ReplyDeleteLook at you blogging like a CHAMP! You deserve a hot dog. :)
Sho Mama! Hope all is well. Keep blogging, I'll be a faithful reader! Who are you playing for?
ReplyDeleteHi Sharonda, this is ms. rode...called your mom the other day to catch up and heard you were out and about!.. good luck, i'm proud of you!!! you're a long way from the south houston fields huh babe?
ReplyDeleteHi sharonda, this is ms rode,
ReplyDeletetalked to your mom the other day and she told me about your new adventure. i'm proud of you, enjoy! (you've come a long way from the south houston softball fields huh?)