Languages of the world
As I mentioned before my roommate Ornela is from Argentina. She speaks pretty good English but you have to talk to her slowly for her to understand. So she decided that I need to learn Spanish. I took a few years of Spanish in high school and it turns out I remember more Spanish than I thought. Saturday night we went back to our favorite place, Pride, the Irish pub. I spend most of the night learning Italian and Spanish. It turns out they are really similar. Apparently they have the same Latin roots. Who woulda know that the bar is the best place to learn a foreign language. We also learned that if you can drink in Italy you can drink anywhere in the world! When you ask for a mixed drink they will fill the cup 9/10 of the way with alcohol and the rest w

So before a few days ago I didn't know that Hawaiian was a language. There are schools in Hawaii where the entire curriculum is in Hawaiian. Only a small percentage of Hawaiians speak Hawaiian. Ty only knows a few words and she will say them to me like I know what she is talking about. Apparently, within her friends and family they call all females Mary even if that's not your name! So if I happen to hear Mary she is talking to me! Ty is definitely a character! When Ty has to got number 1 she says she has to go shi shi.
Time Change
In the US the time changed in early March. Spring forward. So I though I was done with the time change for spring. I was wrong!! On Saturday the time changed and me and Ty had no idea. On Monday me and Ty were scheduled to get a physical at 2:30pm. So we woke up at 11ish (you know the normal) I went to Conad, our local grocery store and made some breakfast. By that time it was 1:20 and Char shows up to take us to the doctor. She told me that the time changed. So I was thinking they changed the time of our appointment. But no, the actual time changed. The funny part is that we spent all of Sunday an hour behind everybody else and we had no idea. One of our roommates told Ty about the time change but she didn't know what she was talking about because they don't do time change in Hawaii. She has never heard of it. I don't know if I believe her!
English TV
We finally got our Sky!! Sky is a box and dish that gives us channels in English! I felt like a little kid on Christmas day when they came to hook it up. The first show we watched was House. Its funny because they show really old shows like Baywatch! We literally cheered when we found NCAA basketball on ESPN America! It made my heart happy.
It makes my heart happy to know that you were able to watch basketball!! I love reading these, I seriously laugh out loud even if I'm reading them by myself. I can only imagine you walking around Italy trying to translate any food into English!! And the girl's comment about you being dark because you eat so much chocoate is freakin hilarious. Good stuff.