It's finally time to play again! Yesterday we went on the road to Bollate for our first playoff game (The Italian Championship). It was about a 3 1/2 hour trip. The trip felt extra long because I forgot my ipod. The first game was awesome. We won 5-4 in 10 innings. It was one of those games that was a lot of fun to be apart of. Both teams fought really hard. The second game didn't go so well, we lost 9-2. Now we take a week off than we go play in the European Cup (which is separate from the Italian Championship) August 17th-22nd. The Saturday after the European cup (Aug 29th) we finish our best of 5 series with Bollate. Its really weird how the whole thing is set up. Next year me and Ty said we are going to make the schedule!
Concert in the Square
During the summer in Forli they have concerts in the square every Wednesday.
I want a Taco!
It's a hard task to go through a day and figure out what you are going to eat here. I can't really cook some of the stuff I know how to cook because you can't find the ingredients here. If they are here I can't read Italian so it makes things hard to find. You can't just run to a fast food place and grab something because they don't have that here. Unless you want McDonald's all the time. So me and Ty decided we were going to open our own restaurants next door to each other in Forli. Mine would be called Sho's chicken and TexMex and Ty's would be called Ty's crack seed! Everything in her restraunt will be covered in this stuff they have in Hawaii called Li Hing Mui. Apparently they put it on everything. I had some gummy bears covered in it and I was addicted. My taste for Li Hing Mui was ruined when I had some the same day I got sick on the 3 day old Chinese food. I haven't looked at a gummy bear the same since! When Ty said what she wanted to name her restaurant I thought she wanted to sell something else but crack seed is where you can get goodies with Li Hing Mui on it in Hawaii.
Speaking of fast food me and KG took a trip to McDonald's the other day. This is my second time to have McDonald's while in Italy and this trip was much better. When I walked up to the counter I asked the guy if he spoke English and the most panicked look came on his face! He went and got a girl that knew how to speak English, so I actually got what I wanted. A Big Mac plain! I was mad because you have to pay 20 cents for each ketchup!! After we finished eating me and KG took our drinks with us. When we got in the car I noticed there were no cup holders. I wanted to know what kind of car doesn't have cup holders. Than KG said this isn't an American car, not all countries have fast food so they don't need them. I said what if you are going on a long trip and you want to bring something to drink. She said just bring a bottle of water! My goal now is to search every car I get in and see if they have cup holders.
mmm skittles!
Sara is one of the girls on my team. She also plays on the Italian national team. If you have been following the blog she was one of the girls that did the Soldier Boy dance in a previous blog. Well she went with the Italian team to play in Oklahoma City. She told me how much she loves America and how she thinks she is really American. I told her I think I'm really European and we should switch. Earlier in the year my mom sent me a box with jelly beans in it and she loved them. When she went to the US she said she had another candy that she loved. For 5 minutes I was trying to figure out what she was talking about. She kept saying they were like jelly beans. Finally we figured out she was talking about skittles. She also told me she fell in love with ranch dressing (they don't have salad dressing here) and she put it on everything even her pasta!! And she ate lots of cookies and peanut butter the whole time!
Ty's transformation, kinda!
Ty had really long hair, almost to her butt. She said its normal in Hawaii for men and women to have really long hair. I went to make sure the lady didn't cup off too much of her hair because that could easily happen with the language barrier! I was also there to document. I was acting like the paparazzi, those ladies probably thought I was crazy!! Stefi was also there getting her hair done for a wedding so I was taking pictures of her too! Ty's hair pretty much went from really really long to just really long. They also had these cool hair dryers that came down from the ceiling! Here is a before, during and after picture of Ty's hair cut: